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Posted By: Truly Free
Posted On: 11/27/2024
Even though your clothes look clean, sometimes they carry a dirty little secret: residue from your body’s natural oils and sweat, detergents you—or someone else—used in the past, or odors from who knows what.
This is especially true if you have hard water.
That’s why laundry stripping—a super soak that removes excess stains, odors, and chemical residues that build up over time—might be a good idea. Especially when you laundry strip the Truly Free way—with Truly Free Enzyme Stain Remover to release stubborn stains.
We’ve gathered everything you need to know to try laundry stripping right here.
When to try laundry stripping
What fabrics are safe for laundry stripping
As a general rule, the process works best on whites, lights and colorfast fabrics, which means they can be cleaned in hot water without fading. Never combine color fabrics with whites to avoid accidentally transferring dye.
What you’ll need to strip your laundry
Instructions for laundry stripping
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